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HCG 5000IU



HCG 5000 IU – chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin, also known as HCG 5000 IU, is a hormone that plays a key role in the bodies of both men and women. It has found its place in the bodybuilding world because of its supportive effect on post-cycle treatment, or so-called PCT. What exactly is Endogenic HCG 5000 IU? What effect does it have? How should it be dosed? You will find out in the following description.

What is HCG 5000 IU?

HCG 5000 IU is the abbreviation for human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 international units. It is a hormone produced by a woman’s body during pregnancy, mainly by the chorionic gland. The chorionic gland is a cell membrane that develops in the bodies of pregnant women and has a key function in maintaining pregnancy. Its main role in the body is to stimulate the gonads (ovaries in women and testes in men) to produce sex hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone. In medicine, HCG is used, among other things, to treat infertility and to stimulate ovulation in women.

Why do bodybuilders use HCG?

HCG is primarily used to treat infertility. For some endocrine disorders, HCG administration can help to stimulate the testes and increase testosterone production. Bodybuilders turn to HCG for its ability to stimulate endogenous (internal) testosterone production.

After cycles in which anabolic steroids have been used, there can be a so-called “inhibition of the HPTA axis” (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis), meaning that natural testosterone production is disrupted. HCG can help restore this production, which is important for maintaining healthy testosterone levels in a bodybuilder’s body.

Furthermore, chorionic gonadotropin is also used during cycles in small amounts to maintain testicular volume. Many people, especially on long-term cycles, experience testicular atrophy. Small doses of HCG are intended to slightly stimulate the testes to maintain their volume unchanged. Subjective feedback from athletes also indicates that it is much easier to perform an ‘unblock’ when chorionic gonadotropin is administered in small amounts systematically throughout the cycle.

What are the protocols for administering chorionic gonadotropin?

The typical protocol for bodybuilders to administer HCG is to use it during the post-cycle period of anabolic steroid use. This is often referred to as the ‘PCT period’ (Post Cycle Therapy). Bodybuilders take HCG in order to stimulate testosterone production and avoid the side effects associated with low levels of this hormone, such as loss of muscle mass and reduced libido. The dosage and duration of such a PCT cycle can vary depending on the individual needs and experience of the bodybuilder.

Typically, it takes 15 000 – 20 000 IU of chorionic gonadotropin to make a good rebound. Bodybuilders take 2500 IU per single dose every 3-4 days. When using HCG during a cycle with SAA, 400-500 IU given twice a week is recommended.

HCG is often used with other peptides that support the functioning of the HPTA system, such as Kisspeptin.

HCG 5000 IU versus unblock – study

The benefits of HCG 5000 IU can vary, depending on the purpose of its administration. For women trying for pregnancy, it can be a chance to fulfil the dream of motherhood. For those who need a diagnosis of pregnancy, HCG is a reliable indicator. HCG plays an important role in the post-cycle therapy or PCT (unblocking) process that is integral to cycles of anabolic steroid use. Unblocking aims to restore natural hormone production after the end of a steroid cycle. HCG helps to restore gonadal function, which is key to maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

During the PCT period, it is a good idea to have an LH and FSH test to check whether taking gonado

Chorionic gonadotropin – summary

HCG 5000 IU, or human chorionic gonadotropic hormone, is a substance often used by bodybuilders in the unblocking process after cycles of anabolic steroid use. Its role is to stimulate the production of endogenous testosterone, which helps to maintain healthy muscle mass and the body’s overall hormonal balance. However, it is worth remembering that HCG use should be monitored by a specialist, as inappropriate dosage or abuse can lead to side effects and health complications. Consultation with a doctor or bodybuilding specialist is always recommended before starting any hormone therapy.



All the above-mentioned properties are observed in laboratory tests, not performed on humans, they are for information purposes only. All information contained in the descriptions has not been approved by GIS, GIF or EFSA. The substance is not a medicine, food product or dietary supplement and is not suitable for human consumption. The product qualifies as a chemical reagent/reference material authorized for marketing in the EU. It can only be used for scientific research. Other information about the agent is included in the safety data sheet for the chemical substance, which we make available for viewing. Products are available only to institutions or individuals that are associated with research or laboratory activities.


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